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Back EU-27 trade surplus with India at record level in 2007 - Issue number 26/2009

EU-27 trade with India remained largely static between 2000 and 2003, with the value of exports and imports both varying in a range of less than two billion. The trade balance over the same period also showed little variation, presenting a surplus in 2000, 2002 and 2003 and a deficit in 2001. Trade then rose in each of the following years to a record trade value in 2007 and the largest EU surplus of the whole eight year period. Germany, the UK and Belgium were the main trading partners with India, although Italy's imports from India rose consistently and made them the third largest EU-27 importer in 2007. ‘Machinery and transport equipment' and ‘Other manufactured products', at SITC product group level, were the most important EU-27 exports to India by a considerable margin.‘Other manufactured products' accounted for more than twice the value of all other imports from India.

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Release date: 31 March 2009

Additional information

Product code: KS-SF-09-026
Theme: International trade
Collection: Statistics in Focus