Publication Details

Back Accounting for ecosystems and their services in the European Union (INCA) — 2021 edition

Final report from phase II of the INCA project aiming to develop a pilot for an integrated system of ecosystem accounts for the EU

This report summarises key results of the INCA project. INCA delivered an integrated system of ecosystem accounts for the EU. The report provides an introduction to ecosystem accounting and presents ecosystem extent accounts, initial ecosystem condition accounts and ecosystem services accounts for EU28, before the withdrawal of the UK. The report shows practical examples of possible uses of ecosystem services accounts and existing policy applications. The report is intended for a broad audience — policy makers, researchers, compilers of ecosystem accounts and other expert and non-expert users who wish to learn how ecosystems and their services support our society, what changes in ecosystems and ecosystem services took place in the EU in the past couple of decades and how all this can be measured in a standardised and comparable way.

Electronic format

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Release date: 24 June 2021

Additional information

Product code: KS-FT-20-002
ISBN ISBN 978-92-76-17401-1
ISSN ISSN 2529-3222
Theme: Environment and energy
Collection: Statistical reports