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Back Geographical breakdown of the EU current account & International trade in services - EU (CD-ROM)

Geographical breakdown of the EU current account & International trade in services - EU (CD-ROM)

Two up-dates on CD-ROMs:
`Geographical breakdown of the EU current account - 1997-2000': this annex to the reference publication `EU international transactions - 2002 edition', provides statistical tables containing harmonised and internationally comparable current account data. From these tables a user can obtain the following information: credit, debit and net flows (expressed in ecu/euro) of the European Union (EU), the euro-zone (EUR-11), each of the EU Member States, Norway, the USA and Japan for 24 items of international current transactions, and in relation to 50 partner countries (e.g. Russia, Morocco, USA, Mexico, Argentina, China, Japan), geographic zones (e.g. Africa, America, Asia) and economic zones (e.g. extra-EU/euro-zone, OECD, CEEC, NAFTA, ACP, ASEAN, Mercosur) for the years 1997 to 2000.
`International trade in services-EU 1991-2000': this annex to the reference publication `EU international transactions - 2002 edition', provides statistical tables containing harmonised and internationally comparable data on international trade in services. From these tables a user can obtain the following information: exports, imports and net flows (expressed in ecu/euro) of the European Union (EU), the euro-zone (EUR-11), each of the EU Member States, Norway, the USA and Japan for 57 items, of which 47 internationally tradable services, and in relation to partners world, intra-EU, extra-EU/euro-zone, Canada, USA, Japan for the years: 1991 to 2000. This document includes methodological explanations and a short description of the harmonisation work undertaken. The methodological framework is that of the fifth IMF manual.

Electronic format

Release date: 29 May 2002

Product Order

Price: 90
Format: CD-ROM

Additional information

Product code: KS-BO-02-001
Theme: Economy and finance
Collection: Statistical books