Zurück More than half of EU enterprises use social media

29 June 2022

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More and more enterprises in the EU are using social media. In 2021, more than half of the enterprises (59%) reported that they were using at least one type of social media, which means an increase of 22 percentage points since 2015 (37%). 

This article is being published on the occasion of World Social Media Day on 30 June. 


Barchart: Enterprises using social media, % of enterprises, 2015 and 2021

Source dataset: isoc_cismt

The use of social media was most popular among enterprises in Malta (84%), followed by Sweden, the Netherlands (both 80%) and Finland (79%), while it was least popular among enterprises in Romania (36%), Bulgaria (39%) and Slovakia (45%).

Belgium and France reported largest increase in social media use
Compared with 2015, the share of enterprises using social media has risen across all EU Member States but one. The largest increases were recorded in Belgium and France (both +31 pp), followed by Latvia (+30 pp) and Finland (+29 pp). 
For more information:

Methodological notes:

  • The data in this article are based on the annual survey on ICT usage and e-commerce in enterprises and refer to all enterprises with at least 10 employees or self-employed people (in NACE Rev. 2 sections C to J, L to N and group 95.1). For more information on the statistics available in this area, take a look at the overview of statistics on the digital economy and society.
  • Enterprises were asked about the use of the following types of social media: social networks, blog or microblogs, multimedia content sharing websites and wiki-based knowledge sharing tools.
  • Despite a rising trend like in the rest of EU Member States between 2015 and 2020, Ireland’s 2021 figure is similar to 2015 one, which may have been caused by a change in the layout of the national web questionnaire.


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