Back Number of psychiatrists: how do countries compare?

6 May 2020


The current coronavirus pandemic is putting extraordinary pressure on people in all walks of life. Health personnel are working around the clock to save lives, at great risk to themselves. Parents are juggling home schooling of their children with teleworking. Employers, employees and self-employed are all fearing for their livelihoods. This pressure might lead to more people needing support.

In 2017, there were over 80 000 psychiatrists in the European Union (EU). The EU countries with the highest number of psychiatrists per 100 000 inhabitants were Germany (27 per 100 000 inhabitants), followed by Greece (25), Lithuania and Finland (both 24; Finland 2015 data), France, the Netherlands and Sweden (all around 23 psychiatrists per 100 000 inhabitants; Sweden 2016 data).

In contrast, there were less than 10 psychiatrists per 100 000 inhabitants in Bulgaria (8) and Poland (9) in 2017. There were also low numbers of psychiatrists relative to the size of the population in Spain, Malta and Romania (all 11 psychiatrist per 100 000 inhabitants). 

Infographic: Number of psychiatrists, 2017 (per 100 000 inhabitants)

Source dataset: hlth_rs_spec


For more information on statistics available in this area, take a look at the overview of health statistics.


Note: The European Union (EU) includes 27 EU Member States. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020. Further information is published here.


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