Back Half of spending on housing, transport and food

3 July 2019

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Households have different consumption patterns very much depending on income levels, cultural habits or geographical situation. On average in the EU in 2017, the largest part (nearly a quarter) of household consumption expenditure was devoted to "housing, water, electricity and gas" (which excludes purchase of dwellings), while "transport" accounted for 13 % and "food" for 12 %. "Restaurants and hotels" and "recreation and culture" followed with shares of around 9 % each.

The remaining groups of products and services had shares of around 4 % to 6 %: "furnishings and household equipment", "clothing and footwear", "alcoholic beverages and tobacco" and "health"; while "communications" and "education" had smaller shares of 3 % and 1 % respectively.

Household expenditure was mostly devoted to "housing" in all Member States except Estonia, Lithuania and Romania, where "food" was most important, and Cyprus and Malta where it was "restaurants and hotels".

Do you want to know more about household expenditure and a large range of other economic topics have changed since the start of the millennium? Go and have a look at the new digital publication The European economy since the start of the millennium!

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