Back Young people living with their parents

14 December 2018

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Logo Statistics ExplainedThe share of young people aged 16-29 living with their parents in 2017 was 68.2 % in the EU-28. For young men the share was 73.3 %, while for young women it was 62.9 %, a gap of 10.4 percentage points.

In every EU Member State, the proportion of young women living in the parental home was lower than that of young men. The largest gender gaps were observed in Bulgaria (19.3 percentage points (pp)) and Romania (17.2 pp), while the lowest were recorded in Spain (5.7 pp), Sweden (4.7 pp) and Malta (4.6 pp).

The largest shares of young men living with their parents were recorded in Croatia (93.1 %), Slovakia (89.2 %), Italy (88.3 %) and Malta (87.0 %), while for young women the largest shares were recorded in Malta (82.4 %) and Croatia (82.3 %). The lowest percentages for both sexes were recorded in Finland (40.8 % for young men and 30.1 % for young women) and Denmark (39.5 % for young men and 31.9 % for young women).


Infographic: Young people living with parents

For more information, see the article in Statistics Explained.

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