Retour Regional employment rates: highest in Åland, Finland

19 septembre 2018

The latest figures on regional employment in the European Union (EU) show that in 2017 the highest employment rates were recorded in Åland (Finland), Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire (the United Kingdom) and Stockholm (Sweden), followed by Oberbayern and Tübingen (Germany). In these five regions more than 83 % of people aged 20-64 were employed. Across the EU as a whole, the regions with the highest employment rates were concentrated in Germany, the United Kingdom and Sweden.

Employment rates: Top 5 EU regions

At the EU level the employment rate for people aged 20-64 stood at 72 % in 2017.

For more information on regional employment rates and regional statistics in general, take a look at the 2018 edition of the Eurostat regional yearbook and the related map in Statistical Atlas.


Additional information is available in this Eurostat news release.

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