Résultat de la recherche

Affichage de 1 - 11 résultats sur 3810
  • Actualités Économie et finances
  • PUBLIÉ : 22 juillet 2024
The general government financial accounts cover transactions in financial assets and liabilities as well as the stock of financial assets and liabilities. In recent quarters, the liabilities of euro area governments increased because governments borrowed to finance their deficits to acquire assets. ...
  • Actualités Population et conditions sociales
  • PUBLIÉ : 22 juillet 2024
Did you know that young people up to 18 years of age make up 18.0% of the EU population? Or that 62.6% of children under the age of 3 are not in formal childcare or education? Did you know that there were 9.5% early leavers from education and training in 2023? Source datasets: ilc_caindform25 and...
  • Actualités Population et conditions sociales
  • PUBLIÉ : 19 juillet 2024
In April 2024, 76 695 first-time asylum applicants (non-EU citizens) applied for international protection in EU countries, a 12% increase compared with April 2023 (68 535).  There were also 7 260 subsequent applicants, representing a 26% increase compared with April 2023 (5 750). This information ...
  • Actualités Population et conditions sociales
  • PUBLIÉ : 19 juillet 2024
In 2023, almost 20 million children in the EU were at risk of poverty or social exclusion. This figure represented 24.8% of children under the age of 18, remaining relatively stable compared with 2022, with only a slight increase of 0.1 percentage points (pp).  At the country level, in 2023, the hi...
  • Actualités Industrie, commerce et services
  • PUBLIÉ : 19 juillet 2024
Did you know that the EU business economy included almost 31 million enterprises, employing around 156 million people and creating €9 400 billion of added value? Or that the EU produced 1.2 million full electric cars and 15% of all imported cars were electric?   You can find this and much more inf...
  • Actualités Population et conditions sociales
  • PUBLIÉ : 18 juillet 2024
In 2022, 3.0% of people aged 15-64 worked through digital platforms at least 1 hour in the 12 months preceding the survey. This result comes from a pilot data collection in 16 EU countries and 1 EFTA country. The share was highest among people with tertiary education (4.3%) and lowest among those w...
  • Actualités Statistiques générales et régionales
  • PUBLIÉ : 18 juillet 2024
In the latest episode of the Eurostat podcast series Stats in a Wrap, we focus on new innovative tools to make official statistics, such as artificial intelligence (AI). Our host Jonathan Elliot is this time joined by Albrecht Wirthmann, head of Eurostat’s unit responsible for methodology and innov...
  • Actualités Économie et finances Industrie, commerce et services Statistiques générales et régionales
  • PUBLIÉ : 17 juillet 2024
Today, Eurostat released the European Statistical Monitor, a dashboard with short-term indicators covering different areas, such as economy, environment, business, health and work. This monthly updated dashboard is designed to track developments within the EU as a whole and its members, as well as ...
  • Actualités Environment et énergie
  • PUBLIÉ : 16 juillet 2024
In 2022, environmental tax revenue in the EU amounted to €317.2 billion (2.0% of the EU’s gross domestic product; GDP) compared with €330.2 billion recorded in 2021, indicating a 4% decrease (-€13 billion).  The long-term upward trend resumed after the exceptional years of 2020 and 2021 (COVID-19)....
  • Actualités Économie et finances
  • PUBLIÉ : 16 juillet 2024
In 2022, EU exports to non-EU countries generated €2 526 billion of gross value added, or 17.7% of the total gross value added in the EU. The share increased by 0.2 percentage points (pp) compared with 2021 (from 17.5%) and by 3.9 pp compared with 2010 (from 13.8%). Jobs of 31.1 million people in t...
  • Actualités Population et conditions sociales
  • PUBLIÉ : 12 juillet 2024
In 2023, 9.5% of the EU population were unable to afford a meal containing meat, fish or a vegetarian equivalent every second day, 1.2 percentage points (pp) higher compared with 2022 (8.3%).  Moreover, focusing on people at risk of poverty in 2023 the share at the EU level was 22.3%, indicating a ...