Publication Details

Back European Business: Facts and figures - 2007 edition

This publication gives a comprehensive picture of the structure, development and characteristics of European business and its different activities: from energy and the extractive industries to communications, information services and media. It presents the latest available statistics from a wide selection of statistical sources describing for each activity: production and employment; country specialisation and regional distribution; productivity and profitability; the importance of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs); work-force characteristics; external trade etc.

See also: European Business dedicated section, where the PDF files per chapter are available.

Electronic format

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Release date: 15 January 2008

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Price: 25
Format: PAPER

Additional information

Product code: KS-BW-07-001
ISBN 978-92-79-07024-2
ISSN 1830-8147
Theme: Industry, trade and services
Collection: Statistical books