Publication Details

Back Health in Europe - Results from 1997-2000 surveys

This publication is the result of a collection of health-related data launched by Eurostat, together with OECD, in 2002 as part of the ongoing process of producing more comparable survey data at EU level in the area of public health statistics. The data collection covered a list of 18 items from various national health and population surveys carried out in the EU Member States and EFTA countries between 1997 and 2000. The data were post-harmonised as far as possible according to existing international standards. The 18 items were: chronic conditions, self-perceived health, activity restriction, physical and sensory functional limitations, personal care activities, mental health, temporary cut-down on usual activities, height and weight, present and former smoking, consumption of alcohol, physical activity, hospitalisation, consultations with doctors and dentists, preventive care, use of medicines, use of drugs, diet/food consumption habits, quality of life. This analysis made by Eurostat represents the first attempt of this kind at EU level. Items with quite comparable characteristics between countries are distinguished from those for which improvements are still necessary in order to achieve the same data quality standards. (English version only)

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Release date: 6 January 2004

Additional information

Product code: KS-57-03-184
Theme: Population and social conditions
Collection: Statistical books