
Im Bereich „Altersversorgung" orientiert sich die offene Koordinierungsmethode an drei Hauptzielen: angemessene Renten sowie langfristige Tragfähigkeit und Modernisierung der Altersversorgung. 

First objective indicators - adequate pensions

"Ensure adequate retirement incomes for all and access to pensions which allow people to maintain, to a reasonable degree, their living standard after retirement, in the spirit of solidarity and fairness between and within generations"

Primary indicators

Secondary indicators

Second objective indicators - adequate pensions

"Ensure the financial sustainability of public and private pension schemes, bearing in mind pressures on public finances and the ageing of populations, and in the context of the three-pronged strategy for tackling the budgetary implications of ageing, notably by: supporting longer working lives and active ageing; by balancing contributions and benefits in an appropriate and socially fair manner; and by promoting the affordability and the security of funded and private schemes."

Primary indicators

Secondary indicators

Third objective indicators - modernised pensions

"Ensure that pension systems are transparent, well adapted to the needs and aspirations of women and men and the requirements of modern societies, demographic ageing and structural change; that people receive the information they need to plan their retirement and that reforms are conducted on the basis of the broadest possible consensus"

Primary indicators

Secondary indicators