59% of EU individuals using social networks in 2023
Social networks have had a growing influence on our daily lives in the past years. People participating in social networks (creating a user profile, posting messages or other contributions to Facebook, X, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, etc.) stood at an average of 59% among the EU individuals.
When it comes to the percentage of EU individuals who participated in social networks, Denmark was the country which reported the highest share with 91%, followed by Cyprus (83%) and Hungary (81%).
The lowest percentage shares of participating in social networks were reported by France (44%), Germany (49%) and Italy (53%).
Danish regions reported the highest shares in usage of social networks
In 224 out of 273 EU regions, participation in social networks stood above 50%. The highest shares were registered in 6 Danish regions: Midtjylland (93%), Hovedstaden (the capital region) (92%), Syddanmark (90%), Nordjylland and Sjælland (both 89%).
Other EU regions also reported high shares of use of the internet for social media, such as in the 3 Hungarian regions of Budapest (86%), Közép-Magyarország (85%) and Pest (84%), as well as Flevoland (84%) in the Netherlands.
Source dataset: isoc_r_iuse_i
The lowest shares, alike and below 40%, were registered mainly in France and Germany. In France, these were Guyane (22%), Martinique (29%), Guadeloupe (30%), Bretagne (38%), Haute-Normandie (39%) and Bourgogne (40%). In Germany, these were the regions of Sachsen-Anhalt (35%), Brandenburg (36%), Thüringen (38%) and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (40%).
For more information
- Statistics Explained article on digital economy and society statistics - households and individuals
- Thematic section on digital economy and society
- Database on digital economy and society
Methodological notes
- Corse: low reliability
- Definition of “Participating in social networks”: (creating a user profile, posting messages or other contributions to Facebook, X, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, etc.) from the European compilers’ manual for statistics on the use of ICT in households and by individuals
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