DS Transport > Information on data > Multimodal 3 EN REVAMP

Modal split

Modal split measures the composition of transport performance, meaning the importance of each mode of transport in the total freight or passenger transport. It is defined as the percentage of each mode of transport in total transport performance. 

Transport performance follows the territoriality principle, which means that only freight and passenger transport performed within the territory of a country is considered.

DS Transport > Information on data > Multimodal Accordion 3 EN REVAMP

DS Transport > Information on data > Multimodal 2 EN REVAMP

Intermodal transport

Intermodal transport statistics cover:

  • the freight unitisation rate: This rate measures transport in containers and other intermodal transport units (ITU) as share of the total freight transport performance by the respective transport mode;
  • the potential for modal shift in road freight transport: This relates to the transport of laden containers by road over distances of 300 kilometres or more to the total road ITU transport.

DS Transport > Information on data > Multimodal accordion 2 EN REVAMP

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