Zurück Extra-EU trade in goods by invoicing currency

30 June 2021

© Mr. Douzo/Shutterstock.com

Goods imported and exported by the European Union (EU) can be invoiced in a range of currencies. In 2020, the euro was the most used currency for EU exports with a share of 47.5% of the total value of goods exported to non-EU countries and a share of 29.4% invoiced in US dollars. The picture was reversed for imports, with 48.1 % of imports paid in US dollars and more than a third in euros (38.2%). For total trade (exports plus imports) the Euro (43.1%) was used slightly more often than the US dollar (38.2%).

Extra-EU exports/imports by invoicing currency, 2020

Source dataset: ext_lt_invcur

Slovenia and Croatia had the highest share for the euro and Ireland the lowest

In 15 of the 27 Member States, the euro was the most used currency for extra-EU trade of goods (exports plus imports) in 2020. Its share was above 60% in Slovenia (77.6%) and Croatia (64.0%) and lowest in Ireland (10.6%).

The US dollar was the most used currency in twelve Member States. Its share was highest in Greece (57.2%) followed closely by Ireland (56.8%).

Member States' currencies other than the euro had a share above 10% only in Sweden (17.2%) followed by Denmark (13.7%) and Czechia (11.7%).

Lastly, other currencies had a share above 10% in five countries. It was highest in Sweden (24.7%) followed by Denmark (20.3%) and Poland (19.4%).

Extra-EU trade by invoicing currency and Member State - 2020

Source dataset: ext_lt_invcur

For more information

  • The category ‘unknown’ relates mainly to trade transactions with UK.
  • Eurostat Statistics Explained article on extra-EU trade by invoicing currency
  • Eurostat website section dedicated to international trade in goods statistics
  • Eurostat database on international trade in goods

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