Zurück Just published: Tourism Satellite Accounts

12. Dezember 2019

© pogocini/Shutterstock.com

According to the latest Tourism Satellite Accounts, spending on tourism by residents of a country within their own country (‘domestic tourism’ consumption) is nearly twice as high as spending of foreign visitors in that country (‘inbound tourism’ consumption). However, behind this average for the EU as a whole, the share of domestic tourism in the tourism economy varies across the EU Member States from 10% in Malta to 85% in Germany.


Inbound tourism expenditure and domestic tourism expenditure


Internal tourism consumption per capita highest in the Netherlands and Austria

Internal tourism consumption* (domestic and inbound tourism) amounts to €1 276 billion in the EU Member States. Germany reports the highest figure (€287 billion), followed by the United Kingdom and France (both €188 billion).

To make a sound comparison, the absolute numbers need to be adjusted to the size of the population of the EU Member States. Among the EU Member States, the Netherlands (€5 000) and Austria (€4 600) report the highest internal tourism consumption per inhabitant, followed by Germany (€3 500), Sweden (€3 200) and Denmark (€3 000). 


Internal tourism consumption per capita, TSA 2019


In contrast, Poland and Romania report the lowest internal tourism consumption per inhabitant (both lower than €500), followed by Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia and Slovakia  (all less than €1 000).


*  Data not available for Ireland, Greece, Cyprus and Luxembourg.


Note: The reference year for the data is not the same for each country. The Netherlands provided information for 2018, four countries (Czechia, Denmark, Austria and Slovenia) for 2017, but for most the data referred to 2016 (13 countries) or even before.


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