Zurück 44% of elderly people vaccinated against influenza

9. Dezember 2019

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Among the EU Member States there are a range of different policies with respect to making influenza vaccines available to the general public — often they are specifically targeted at older groups of people or other at-risk groups. In the EU in 2017, more than two fifths of those aged 65 and over were vaccinated against influenza.

Among the 21 Member States for which this data is available, the vaccination rate differed: Around 7 out of 10 elderly persons (72.6%) were vaccinated against influenza in the United Kingdom, with a slightly lower share in the Netherlands (64.0%), Portugal (60.8%) and Ireland (57.6%), while less than 10.0% of the elderly population were vaccinated in Latvia and Estonia.

Infographic: Influenza vaccination rate

The source dataset can be found here.

For more information, see the Statistics Explained article Healthcare activities statistics - preventive services .

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