Zurück Deaths due to kidney diseases in the EU

19. März 2020

© crystal light/Shutterstock.com

In 2016, a total of 64 387 people died from diseases of the kidney and ureter in the European Union (EU). Kidney cancer accounted for 26 439 deaths in 2016.

Women (34 944 deaths from kidney diseases in 2016) were more affected than men (29 442 deaths). However, more men died from kidney cancer (16 730) than women (9 709) in 2016 and this pattern has been consistent since 2011.

A vast majority of deaths from kidney diseases (93%) as well as deaths from kidney cancer (77%) concerned people aged 65 or above.



Data source: hlth_cd_aro


Death rate from diseases of kidney highest in Croatia, lowest in Finland

For the EU as a whole, there was an average standardised rate of approximately 14 deaths per 100 000 inhabitants from kidney diseases. This was below the rate (about 15 deaths per 100 000 inhabitants) a year earlier.

Among individual EU Member states, 21 of 27 EU Member States recorded more than 10 deaths from kidney diseases per 100 000 inhabitants 2016.

Croatia recorded the highest death rate - 23 deaths caused by kidney diseases per 100 000 inhabitants. This was followed by Bulgaria (21 deaths per 100 000 inhabitants), Germany, Cyprus and Romania (20 each) as well as Greece and Belgium (19 each).

By contrast, the lowest death rates from kidney diseases were registered in Finland with 4 deaths per 100 000 inhabitants, followed by Hungary (5), Poland and Estonia (8 each), Sweden and Slovenia (9 each).



Data source: hlth_cd_asdr2



Note: The European Union (EU) includes 27 EU Member States. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020. Further information is published here.


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