Zurück Mobile tertiary students from abroad in the EU

28. August 2020

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In 2018, mobile students from abroad who undertook tertiary-level studies in the EU represented 8% of all enrolled tertiary students. Mobile students are those who study in a country other than the country where they completed their secondary education.

Among the EU Member States, Luxembourg had the highest share of mobile tertiary students from abroad (48%), followed by Cyprus (24%), Austria (18%), Czechia (14%) and the Netherlands (12%).

By contrast, the lowest shares were observed in Croatia and Greece (both 3%), followed by Spain and Poland (both 4%), Slovenia, Lithuania and Romania (all 5%).


Mobile tertiary students from abroad 2018


Source dataset: educ_uoe_mobs03



Note: The European Union (EU) includes 27 EU Member States. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020. Further information is published here.


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