Zurück Statistics on agriculture, forestry and fishing

19. Dezember 2018

© Lubos Chlubny/Shutterstock.com

The 2018 edition of ‘Agriculture, forestry and fishery statistics’ is now available here.

The publication is aimed at both specialists (including policymakers, enterprises, farms, producers’ and consumers’ associations, consultancy bodies and trade unions) and generalists who have an interest in this area.

Photo of Statistical Book cover

The eight chapters of the book:


  • Agriculture, forestry and fisheries in the European Union is an executive summary of the key messages in the publication.


  • Agriculture: the factors of production focusses on types of farm, the people working in agriculture, and on agricultural capital.


  • Farm production presents the most recent data on many of the EU's agricultural products, both in terms of output and prices. This is done for crops, livestock and meat, as well as milk.


  • Performance of the agricultural sector covers the economic developments within the agricultural industry and presents data on output and input values.


  • Trade in agricultural goods looks at the EU's international trade in groups of agricultural products and the EU's main trading partners.


  • Forestry provides data on the EU’s forest area, forest ownership and timber resources, as well as economic and employment figures for the forestry sector.


  • Fishing gives a statistical overview of total fishery production, aquaculture, catches, landings of fishery products and the EU's fishing fleet by number of vessels, total gross tonnage and engine power.


  • Agriculture, forestry and fishing at a glance provides a summary statistical overview of the agricultural, forestry and fisheries industries in each Member State and the EU as a whole.


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