DS NUTS > Correspondence tables > EN > REVAMP

The correspondence tables map the NUTS regions on the different levels of the classification with the administrative and non-administrative territorial units in the countries.

Last update 6 March 2024, based on NUTS 2024 and LAU 2022.

 Download information provided in the table below.

NUTS regions (EU-27)

  NUTS 1 # NUTS 2 # NUTS 3 # LAU #
BE Gewesten / Régions 3 Provincies / Provinces 11 Arrondissementen / Arrondissements 44 Gemeenten / Communes 581
BG Зони (Zoni)* 2 Райони (Rajoni)* 6 Области
28 Общини (Obshtini) 265
CZ Území* 1 Regiony soudržnosti* 8 Kraje 14 Obce 6 258
DK - 1 Regioner 5 Landsdele* 11 Kommuner 99
DE Länder 16 Regierungsbezirke* 38 Kreise, kreisfreie Städte 400 Gemeinden 10 993
EE - 1 - 1 Maakondade grupid* 5 Linn, vald


IE - 1 Regions* 3 Regional Authority Regions* 8 Local Electoral Areas 166
EL Μεγάλες Γεωγραφικές Περιοχές (Megales Geografikes Perioches)* 4 Περιφέρειες
13 Ομάδες Περιφερειακών Eνοτήτων (Omades Periferiakon Enotiton)* 52 Δήμοι (Dimoi) 6 142
ES Agrupacion de Comunidades Autónomas* 7 Comunidades Autónomas + Ciudades Autónomas 19 Provincias + Consejos insulares + Cabildos 59 Municipios 8 131
FR Régions 14 Régions + Collectivités territoriales* 27 Départements 101 Communes 34 956
HR - 1 Regija* 4 Županija 21 Gradovi i općine 556
IT Gruppi di regioni* 5 Regioni 21 Province + Cittá Metropolitane 107 Comuni 7 904
CY - 1 - 1 - 1 Δήμοι + Κοινότητες
(Dimoi + koinotites)
LV - 1 - 1 Statistiskie reģioni* 5 Valstspilsētas + novadi 43
LT - 1 - 2 Apskritys 10 Savivaldybės 60
LU - 1 - 1 - 1 Communes 102
HU Statisztikai nagyrégiók* 3 Tervezési-statisztikai régiók* 8 Megyék 20 Települések 3 155
MT - 1 - 1 Reġjuni* 2 Localities 68
NL Landsdelen* 4 Provincies 12 COROP1 regions* 40 Gemeenten 342
AT Gruppen von Bundesländern* 3 Länder 9 Gruppen von Gemeinden* 35 Gemeinden

2 093

PL Makroregiony* 7 Województwa 17 Podregiony* 73 Gminy 2 477
PT Continente + Regiões Autónomas 3 Grupos de Entidades Intermunicipais + Regiões Autónomas* 9 Entidades Intermunicipais + Regiões Autónomas 26 Freguesias 3 092
RO Macroregiuni* 4 Regiuni 8 Județe 42 Municipii + Orase + Comune 3 181
SI - 1 Kohezijske regije* 2 Statistične regije* 12 Občine 212
SK - 1 Oblasti* 4 Kraje 8 Obce 2 927
FI Manner-Suomi, Ahvenananmaa / Fasta Finland, Åland* 2 Suuralueet / Storområden* 5 Maakunnat / Landskap 19 Kunnat / Kommuner 309
SE Grupper av riksområden 3 Riksområden* 8 Län 21 Kommuner 290

Statistical regions (other countries)

  NUTS 1 # NUTS 2 # NUTS 3 # LAU #
IS - 1 - 1 Hagskýrslu-svæði 2 Sveitarfélög 64
LI - 1 - 1 - 1 Gemeinden 11
NO - 1 Landsdeler 7 Fylker 17 Kommuner 378
CH - 1 Grossregionen
Grandes régions
Grandi regioni
7 Kantone
26 Gemeinden
2 163
BA Provisional agreement Provisional agreement Not yet agreed Not yet available
ME - 1 - 1 - 1 Насеља
MD Not yet agreed
GE Not yet agreed
MK - 1 - 1 Статистички
8 Општини (Opštini) 80
AL - 1 - 3 Qarks 12 - 61
RS Групе региона (Grupe regiona) 2 Региони (Regioni) 4 Окрузи (Okruzi) 25 - -
TR Bölgeler 12 Alt bölgeler 26 Iller 81 - 973
UA Макрорегіони (Makroregiony 8 Oбласті (Oblasti) 27 Райони (Raioni) 138 Громади (Hromadas) 1 774
XK** - 1 - 1 Окрузи (Okruzi) 7 Општини (Opštini) 38


BE: Belgium, BG: Bulgaria, CZ: Czechia, DK: Denmark, DE: Germany, EE: Estonia, IE: Ireland, EL: Greece, ES: Spain, FR: France, HR: Croatia, IT: Italy, CY: Cyprus, LV: Latvia, LT: Lithuania, LU: Luxembourg, HU: Hungary, MT: Malta, NL: Netherlands, AT: Austria, PL: Poland, PT: Portugal, RO: Romania, SI: Slovenia, SK: Slovakia, FI: Finland, SE: Sweden

IS: Island, LI: Lichtenstein, NO: Norway, CH: Switzerland, BA: Bosnia and Herzegovina, ME: Montenegro, MD: Moldova, GE: Georgia, MK: North Macedonia, AL: Albania, RS: Serbia, TR: Türkiye, XK**: Kosovo

* Non-administrative units

** this designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.

1 COROP: Coördinatie Commissie Regionaal Onderzoeksprogramma (this commission delineated and updates the COROP-regions).

Postcodes and NUTS

All Eurostat regional statistics refer to NUTS. However, some data collections use postcodes to reference the geographic location. Therefore, Eurostat has created a link between postcodes and NUTS level 3 codes to use information that originally is coded only by postcodes.

Eurostat, other Commission departments and the European Investment Bank have expressed the need for a link between postcodes and NUTS codes to use in projects. The main use at Eurostat is in transport statistics, where this information helps identify the flows of goods transport on roads. Another use is to geocode address registers with the regional NUTS codes because postcodes are generally available as part of the address.