Retour Young Europeans on tour

28 November 2017

© George Rudy/

Young Europeans are active holidaymakers: 66% of EU residents in the age group 15-34 participated in tourism for personal purposes (excluding business travel) in 2015, compared to 60% of those aged over 35. On average, every young European went on 2.6 trips that year. However, the trips of the young are a little shorter – 15 to 34 year-olds spent on average 4.8 nights per trip, while those aged over 35 years spent 5.5 nights.

Three quarters (75%) of all trips of young EU residents were within their own country, 19% to other EU countries and 6% outside the EU.

The most popular transport mode for all EU tourists is the car. Young tourists take the car less often than older age groups (61% in age group 15-34 and 69% in age group 35+), and use rail more often (13% in age group 15-34 and 9% in age group 35+).



Infographic: How do EU residents travel to their holiday destinations?

Note: waterways and other land transport account for the remaining 3%


This news article marks the European Tourism Day conference, organised by the European Commission today in Brussels.