Retour Can you afford to pay your bills?

21 avril 2017

© Oleg Golovnev/

Share of severely materially deprived people down to 7.8% in the EU.

Around 39 million people in this situation in the EU, according to early estimates for 2016.

In 2016, 7.8% of the population or around 39 million people in the European Union (EU) were severely materially deprived

This means that they cannot afford at least four of the following items, which are considered by most people to be desirable or necessary to lead an adequate life: pay their bills; keep their home adequately warm; face unexpected expenses; eat meat regularly; take a one week holiday away from home; a TV; a washing machine; a car; a telephone.

In 2016, the proportion of persons severely materially deprived in the EU continued the downward trend observed since its peak in 2012 (9.9%).


Severe material deprivation rate, 2010-2016 (%)

                                                                                                                                                The source dataset can be found here.


For more information:

Eurostat website section on income, social inclusion and living conditions.

Eurostat database on income and living conditions.

Eurostat Statistics Explained article on early results of material deprivation statistics.