Retour Online purchasing habits of women and men

9 novembre 2017

Only slightly less women than men shopped online in 2016 (65 % of female internet users shopped online, compared with 67 % of males). However, they bought different things. A much larger share of women than men bought clothes over the internet (68 % of female e-shoppers, compared with 56 % of male), while a much larger share of men bought electronic equipment (17 % of female e-shoppers and 31 % of male).

The differences between the sexes for buying films online (20 % of female e-shoppers and 26 % of male), household goods (43 % and 45 %), booking travel and accommodation (51 % and 52 %) was smaller. The same share of women and men purchased tickets for events online (both 38 %).


Visualisation: Online shopping 2016


For further information, see the digital publication The life of women and men in Europe – a statistical portrait.