Retour High price increases for alcohol and tobacco

3 septembre 2018

© Aleksandar Karanov/

While the overall inflation rate can be considered as moderate in the EU since the start of the millennium, significant price variations are noticeable at a detailed level.

Between 2000 and 2017, prices in the EU have risen by 36 % overall. The highest increases were registered for "alcoholic beverages and tobacco" as well as for "education" where prices rose by more than 90 %. "Housing, water, electricity and gas" as well as "restaurants and hotels" followed with growth rates of more than 55 %. Prices for "clothing and footwear" remained nearly stable, while prices for "communications" decreased by more than 20 %.

Have a look at the interactive visualisation below to see how prices in your country have changed since 2000!


You can also visit the newly released digital publication The European economy since the start of the millennium.

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