Employment Guidelines

The European employment strategy provides a framework for EU countries to share information, discuss and coordinate their employment policies. In this framework the employment guidelines provide common priorities and targets for employment policies. The guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States are intrinsically linked with the guidelines for the economic policies of the Member States and of the EU.

Together, they form the integrated guidelines that underpin from 2010 the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The integrated guidelines include four broad economic policy guidelines (nos. 1 to 4) and four employment guidelines (nos. 5 to 8) which are as follows:

  • Guideline 5: Boosting demand for labour;
  • Guideline 6: Enhancing labour supply, skills and competences;
  • Guideline 7: Enhancing the functioning of labour markets;
  • Guideline 8: Fostering social inclusion, combatting poverty and promoting equal opportunities.