Publication Details

Back Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe

The 37 indicators contained in this book comprise a subject-based collection consisting of five chapters, namely Context, Organisation, Participation, Teachers and Teaching processes. Given the importance attached to foreign language teaching in European cooperation, indicators published by the Eurydice Network on this subject are no longer contained in a chapter of the Key Data general report but occupy a separate volume devoted exclusively to the topic. Eurydice will publish regular updates of these indicators and make every effort to include new ones, depending on the availability of relevant data and the interest shown in further ramifications of the subject. Eurydice information from official sources covers many aspects of the provision of foreign language teaching and teacher training for it. Its reference year is 2002/03. The Eurostat statistical material taken from the New Cronos database relates to 2001/02 and provides information on pupil participation rates for foreign language learning in primary and secondary education. It is possible therefore to compare the level of language learning with foreign language teaching requirements in the curriculum of each country.

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Release date: 15 January 2005

Additional information

Product code: 92-894-8681-3
Theme: Population and social conditions
Collection: Statistical books