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Back External and intra-European Union trade - Data 2002-2007

This pocketbook provides an overview of the characteristics of the European Union's trade in goods. Data are provided for the European Union as a whole (EU-27), the euro area (EA-15) and the single Member States, with a breakdown by main partners and by major product groups, according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). Trade flows for the 27 Member States are presented with both other EU countries (intra-EU trade) and non-EU partners (extra-EU trade). The source of these statistics is Comext, the Eurostat database containing detailed external trade data for the EU and its Member States.

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Release date: 18 March 2009

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Format: PAPER

Additional information

Product code: KS-CV-08-001
ISBN 978-92-79-09834-5
ISSN 1606-3481
Theme: International trade
Collection: Pocketbooks