Back EU - One in three people unable to face unexpected financial expenses

24 November 2018

© Marcos Mesa Sam Wordley/

In the EU, just over one in three people were unable to face unexpected financial expenses (33.9%) in 2017. Among the EU Member States, this proportion was highest in Latvia (59.9%), Croatia (56.2%), and Bulgaria (53.2%).

Less than one in four people was unable to face unexpected financial expenses in the Netherlands (20.7%), Austria (20.6%), Luxembourg (20.4%), Sweden (19.7%), and Malta (15.8%).


Share of people unable to face unexpected financial expenses, 2017

In the EU, the share of people unable to face unexpected financial expenses decreased in 2017 compared with 2016 (-2.5 percentage points (pp)). All countries experienced a decrease with the exception of Estonia and Denmark (respectively 4.7pp and 0.6 pp increase). The largest decreases were registered in Hungary (-19.3pp), followed by Cyprus (-6.5pp), Malta (-5.0pp), and Slovenia (-4.6pp).


Share of people unable to face unexpected financial expenses, 2017

The source dataset is accessible here .

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