Nowadays, the job market changes quickly, and it's difficult to know exactly what skills are the most sought-after by European employers. Also, this varies across the EU. To provide some insights on this topic, Eurostat released today, a new interactive data visualisation tool that shows the most demanded skills in online job advertisements for a selection of occupations within the EU. 

The tool aims to serve, in particular, students deciding on their study paths, job-holders looking to keep their skillset up to date or change positions, and unemployed people searching for a job. It can also offer interesting information to recruiting companies about the demand for skills in the labour market. This new tool is released in the context of the European Year of Skills.

You can select an occupation that interests you and see the skills that are most frequently requested in online job advertisements (OJAs) posted each year between 2019 and 2022.


Screenshot: top & trending skills (showing Luxembourg and finance professionals, all skills for 2021 and 2022 and how they changed)


The tool features different visualisations, including a top 10 skills ranking and the evolution of the demand for each skill from 2019 to 2022. In addition to the overview of all skills, you can display them broken down into 3 different sub-categories: general, specific, and digital skills. 

General skills are sought after in all occupation types and mainly embrace the so-called soft skills, such as working in teams, developing creative ideas or English language knowledge. For specific skills, there are close links with particular occupations or the sector where a limited range of occupations is predominant, for example, use food preparation techniques for artistic, cultural and culinary associate professionals. Digital skills are connected to coding or simply – and still the most frequently sought after skill in many online job advertisements across the EU - the use of Microsoft Office.