Retour More than one third of EU farmers are female

18 décembre 2017

© Iakov Filimonov/

The 2017 edition of the statistical book 'Agriculture, forestry and fishery statistics' includes a broad range of data to help assess developments related to agriculture, forestry and fishery policies as well as their impact on the environment.

This edition shows, for instance, that women working in agriculture accounted for 35% of the total working population in the European Union in 2016. Women made up more than 40 % of the agricultural workforce in five Member States, namely Austria (45 %), Romania (43 %) Poland, Greece and Slovenia (41 % in each of three countries). By contrast, the lowest proportions of women farmers were reported in Denmark (20 %) and Ireland (12 %).


Women as share of agricultural workforce (%), 2016


For more information, see Eurostat's publication Agriculture, forestry and fishery statistics — 2017 edition and Statistics Explained article on farmers in the EU.


Agriculture, forestry and fishery statistics pocketbook