Retour Almost 75 % of enterprises in Malta use social media

19 janvier 2018

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Logo Statistics ExplainedSocial media* is not only used by individuals, but increasingly also by enterprises. While just under one third of enterprises used social media in 2013, this share had risen to almost one half in 2017.

Social networks, such as Facebook and LinkedIn, were the form of social media most widely used by enterprises.

In 2017, 47 % of EU enterprises used at least one of the different types of social media.

The shares varied within EU Member States, ranging from 27 % of enterprises in Poland, 30 % in Latvia and 34 % in Bulgaria to 74 % in Malta and 68 % each in Denmark, Ireland and the Netherlands.

Further information is provided in the Statistics Explained article Social media - statistics on their use by enterprises.


Enterprises' use of any social media, 2017


* The four most widely known categories of social media are: (a) social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Xing, and others; (b) corporate blogs or microblogs such as Twitter,, and others; (c) multimedia content-sharing websites such as YouTube, Flickr, SlideShare, and others; and (d) wiki-based knowledge-sharing tools.