Retour Internet banking on the rise

15 janvier 2018

© mama_mia/

Around half (51%) of adult Europeans use internet banking. This share is constantly increasing and has doubled since 2007, when it stood at 25%.

Internet banking is particularly popular among 25 to 34 year olds, with 68% using this facility. The use of internet banking tends to increase in line with the education level of the user. While only 24% of those with low education use e-banking, 77% of those with high education use this service.

Among EU Member States, internet banking is most common in Denmark (where 90% of people aged 16 to 74 said they were using it) and the Netherlands (89%), followed by the other Nordic countries - Finland (87%) and Sweden (86%).

The lowest shares were registered in Bulgaria (5%) and Romania (7%). Less than 30% of those between the ages of 16 and 74 use internet banking in Greece (25%) and Cyprus (28%).


People who use internet banking

The source dataset is here