Retour Education in your country

11 avril 2018

© United Nations

The United Nations' sustainable development goal (SDG) 4 'Quality education' seeks to ensure access to equitable and quality education through all stages of life. Apart from formal qualifications, SDG 4 also aims to increase the number of young people and adults having relevant skills for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship. Additionally, it envisions the elimination of gender and income disparities in access to education.

Monitoring SDG 4 in an EU context focuses on progress made in promoting and increasing basic education, tertiary education and adult education. 

How is your country doing in this regard?

Find out with our easy and user-friendly time graph below. Compare your country’s progress over time and with other Member States. Choose from a range of indicators, such as early school leavers, young people neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET) or the share of people with tertiary education attainment.


If you want to know more about the sustainable development goals, visit our website section dedicated to this topic.

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