Retour 30% of electricity generated from renewable sources

21 septembre 2018

© Alberto Masnovo/

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In 2016, electricity generation from renewable sources contributed more than one quarter (30 %) to total gross electricity consumption in the European Union (EU). Hydro power is the most important source, followed closely by wind power and then solar power. Other renewable sources for generating electricity include wood, biogas, renewable waste and geothermal energy.

Pie chart: electricity generation from renewable sources


At the level of EU Member States, in five countries more than half of the electricity consumed in 2016 was generated from renewable sources: Austria (73 %), Sweden (65 %), Portugal and Denmark (both 54 %) and Latvia (51 %). In contrast, there were four countries where less than 10 % of the electricity consumed in 2016 came from renewable sources: Malta (6 %), Luxembourg and Hungary (both 7 %) and Cyprus (9 %).

Bar chart: share of electricity from renewable sources, 2016

The data source is here.

More information on this topic can be found in the Statistics Explained article on the Eurostat website.

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