In 2023, there were 6.3 million commercial flights in the EU. The number of flights remained below pre-pandemic levels in 2019 (7.0 million). 

Non-scheduled flights (charter flights and other special flights) constituted 9.2% of all flights in 2023. The summer months, June, July, and August recorded the highest prevalence (10.9%, 11.4%, and 10.4%, respectively).

Commercial flights in the EU in 2023, number of flights. Chart. See link to full dataset below.

Source dataset: avia_tf_cm

Amsterdam airport: biggest number of commercial flights in 2023

The highest count of commercial flights in 2023 was recorded in the Amsterdam Schiphol airport in the Netherlands – 453 000. It was followed by Paris-Charles de Gaulle (451 000) in France and Frankfurt/Main (427 000) in Germany. 

Among the top 10 airports with biggest numbers of flights, the highest shares of non-scheduled flights were recorded in Athina (5.6%) in Greece, Wien (5.1%) in Austria and Madrid (4.7%) in Spain.

Top 10 EU airports based on number of flights in 2023. Chart. See link to full dataset below.

Source dataset: avia_tf_airpm

For more information

Methodological notes

  • The source of this monthly data on commercial flights is Eurocontrol, a pan-European, civil-military organisation dedicated to supporting European aviation. Data on commercial flights include scheduled and non-scheduled commercial flights (passengers, freight and mail) performed under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR). For more information, please refer to the methodological file.
  • Scheduled flight is a commercial air service operated according to a published timetable or with such a regular frequency open to direct booking by  public. Non-scheduled flight is a commercial air service other than scheduled air services. This includes charter flights and other special flights performed for remuneration such as air taxi, off-shore flights or sightseeing.
  • Attention to methodological differences should be paid when comparing this monthly data with Eurostat data on passenger, freight and mail air transport collected within Regulation 437/2003. For more information about Eurostat data collection, please refer to this methodological file.

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