In 2021, in the EU, half of all children aged less than three years were cared for exclusively by their parents. At national level, the highest shares were recorded in Romania (77%), Czechia (72%) and Bulgaria (68%).

On the other hand, in 2021, 36% of children aged less than 3 were in formal care for at least one hour per week. Among the EU countries, the Netherlands recorded the highest share (74%), followed by Denmark (69%) and Luxembourg (62%). 


Bar chart: Childcare arrangements in the EU, % of children aged less than 3 years, 2021

Source datasets: ilc_caparents and ilc_caindformal 


Finally, less than a quarter (21%) were cared for by professional child-minders, grandparents, other household members (excluding parents), other relatives, friends or neighbors. In the Netherlands and Cyprus (both 45%), followed by Greece (44%), this form of care was prevalent.