Cohesion indicators

Cohesion policy aims to improve economic, social and territorial cohesion of European regions. These goals are identified in the EU treaty and are an important expression of solidarity with the poorer and weakest regions of the EU.

Cohesion indicators 2021-2027 (click here to expand)

For reference purposes, an extraction from Eurostat’s database of the main data used for calculating Cohesion Policy allocations was made in November 2018. The data is available in the following files and is listed in the table below:

Database name Statistic Geographic Level Reference years
nama_10r_2gdp GDP PPS NUTS 2 2015-2017
nama_10r_3popgdp Population NUTS 2 2015-2017
lfst_r_lfu3rt Unemployment rate NUTS 2 2015-2017
lfst_r_lfu3pers Unemployment NUTS 2 2015-2017
lfst_r_lfp2act Active population NUTS 2 2015-2017
lfst_r_lfe2emprtn Employment rate NUTS 2 2015-2017
lfst_r_lfe2emp Employment NUTS 2 2015-2017
lfst_r_lfsd2pop Population by age NUTS 2 2015-2017
edat_lfse_12 Educational level of population aged 30-34 NUTS 2 2015-2017
edat_lfse_04 Educational level of population aged 25-64 NUTS 2 2015-2017
edat_lfse_16 Early leavers from education and training NUTS 2 2015-2017
ESTAT/AMECO/GNI committee GNI National 2015-2017
t2020_35 Greenhouse gas emissions in Effort Sharing Decision sectors National 2017
migr_imm1ctz Immigration (Non EU citizens) National 2013-2017
migr_emi1ctz Emigration (Non EU citizens) National 2013-2017
DEMO_R_D3DENS Density of population NUTS 3 2016


Cohesion indicators 2014-2020 (click here to expand)

The 2014-2020 round of Cohesion policy is closely aligned with the Europe 2020 strategy to promote smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Cohesion Policy will play a pivotal role in achieving the 2020 objectives.

This section publishes a portfolio of indicators, grouped according to the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy, which are used to measure Cohesion at the sub-national level.



Data NUTS-
Research & Development

Research & Experimental Development expenditure as % of Gross Domestic Product

Patent applications to the European Patent Office (EPO) by priority year 2
Competitiveness and business environment
Regional Gross Domestic Product in Purchasing Power Standards (PPS) 2
Regional Gross Domestic Product in Purchasing Power Standards (PPS) per inhabitant 2
Regional unemployment by sex and age in 1000 2  
Regional unemployment rates by sex 2  
Regional employment by sex and age in 1000 2  
Regional employment rates of the age group 20-64 by sex 2  
Tertiary educational attainment by sex, age group 30-34 (%) 1
Tertiary educational attainment by sex, age group 25-64 (%) 2
Early leavers from education and training by sex (%) 1
Victims in road accident 2
Freight transported by road by region of loading - -
Population connected to wastewater collection and treatment systems (%) 2 tgs00110 : The product has been discontinued since: 21 Apr 2020.
Generation and treatment of municipal waste (1000 t) 2
Social inclusion, poverty and health
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion
(union of the three sub-indicators below)
  •  People living in households with very low work intensity
  •  Severe material deprivation rate
  •  At-risk-of poverty rate
 People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by degree of urbanisation
(union of the three sub-indicators below)
  •  People living in household with very low work intensity by degree urbanisation
  •  Severe material deprivation rate by degree of urbanisation
  •  At-risk-of-poverty rate by degree of urbanisation
Life expectancy at birth by sex 2
Average annual population to calculate regional GDP data 3 nama_r_e3popgdp: The product has been discontinued since: 02 Feb 2018.
Total and land area 3

¹ NUTS = The statistical classification of regions in the European Union
² NUTS-2006: Excel file containing the backup of the data by NUTS-2006 (up to 2010)