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Back External and intra-European Union trade - Statistical yearbook - Data 1958-2002 (PDF)

The yearbook on external and intra-European Union trade sets out to provide data on long-term trends in the trade of the European Union and its Member States. It contains data on the trade flows, broken down by major product group, of the EU with its main trading partners on the one hand and between the Member States on the other. In view of the next enlargements of the European Union and taking into account the importance of trade by members of the European Free Trade Association (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) with the Union, a description of trade with the candidate countries and the EFTA has been added to that usually given for Member States only.

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Release date: 12 November 2003

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Price: 29.5
Format: PAPER

Additional information

Product code: KS-CV-03-001
Theme: International trade
Collection: Statistical books