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Back Key Data on Education in Europe 2005

This sixth edition provides an exceptionally wide-ranging overview of the functioning of education systems and the participation of young people at all levels of education. It contains 153 indicators in six subject-based chapters. Besides data on the context, participation in education at all educational levels, graduation rates and human and financial resources, the book also offers detailed information on several key aspects of how education is administered and structured. This applies in particular to decision-making levels, the autonomy of schools and procedures for evaluating the education system. One chapter is also devoted to teaching time, the grouping of pupils and their assessment. Each topic is discussed using information from Eurydice on methods of management and implementation. This is supplemented by statistical material derived from various Eurostat data collections. Certain data obtained from international surveys (PISA 2003 and 2000, and PIRLS 2001) provide further insight into the topics examined.

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Release date: 26 July 2005

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Price: 30
Format: PAPER

Additional information

Product code: NC-AF-05-001
ISBN 92-894-9422-0
ISSN 1725-1621
Theme: Population and social conditions
Collection: Statistical books