Publication Details

Back Hazardous and industrial waste management in Accession Countries

This publication (available only in English) has been prepared as a result of the multi-country project ‘Harmonised Environment Statistics Phase II on Hazardous and Non-hazardous Industrial Waste'. The project was addressed to EU Accession Countries and was carried out in the period from March 2002 until August 2003. The publication provides an overview of the data situation and of the management regarding hazardous waste and non-hazardous industrial waste in the ten Central and Eastern European Accession Countries. The main data source is the Eurostat/OECD Joint Questionnaire (JQ). Additional information is used to describe the legislative basis, the role of administration and the applied methodology for data collection on hazardous waste and non-hazardous industrial waste. The study contains 12 chapters. The chapters 1 to 10 describe the situation of waste data collection and waste management in detail, country by country. In chapter 11 data on waste generation in Accession Countries are compared, and data quality and comparability are discussed. Chapter 12 summarises the information and gives an outlook on future data collection under consideration of the requirements of the EU Waste Statistics Regulation (2002/2150).

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Release date: 21 October 2004

Additional information

Product code: KS-54-03-954
ISBN 92-894-8212-5
Theme: Environment and energy
Collection: Statistical books