Publication Details

Back Manual on waste statistics - A handbook for data collection on waste generation and treatment - 2013 edition

Regular statistics on the production and management of waste from businesses and private households are collected from Member States and published every two years following common methodological recommendations. With the growing experience some shortcomings of the original legislation and the methodological manual have become apparent. As a consequence, Commission Regulation 849/2010, which took effect from reference year 2010 onwards, brought about various simplifications and improvements to the legal framework. The 2010 version of the manual on waste statistics, which was in accordance with the new legal basis, reflected in detail the methodological development and refinement which the experience of the first data collections has made both necessary and possible. The 2013 edition does not introduce any substantial changes to the 2010 edition. The authors have corrected errors, added some detailed clarifications and updated references to legal acts. A number of experts from Eurostat, national statistical offices, environmental agencies and consultants have developed this manual over several years.

Additional information

Product code: KS-RA-13-015
ISBN 978-92-79-29050-3
ISSN 1977-0375
Theme: Environment and energy
Collection: Manuals and guidelines