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Back More than 10 % of households in Romania, Latvia and Bulgaria were three-generation in 2008 - Issue number 52/2011

Average household size in the EU in 2008 ranged from less than two household members in Denmark to almost three in Bulgaria. One explanation for these differences is the higher frequency of multi-generational households across eastern, and to a lesser extent southern, Europe. Three-generation households accounted for over 5 % of households in all the eastern European members in 2008, while single-adult households were the most common type in the Nordic countries, Germany and the Netherlands. There are also major differences between Scandinavian countries and southern and eastern European countries in the age at which young adults leave home: in Denmark and Sweden, half of all young men have left home by age 21, while in Greece, Slovenia and Bulgaria, half of all young men still live with their parents beyond age 31.

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Release date: 27 October 2011

Additional information

Product code: KS-SF-11-052
Theme: Population and social conditions
Collection: Statistics in Focus