Publication Details

Back Main features of EU-27 Business services - Issue number 101/2008

Business services are drivers of the EU-27 knowledge-based economy. Boosted by the European Services Directive, they face strong outsourcing and export demand, and thrive with the new production possibilities offered by innovations in information and telecommunications technology. The provision of Business services was the main activity of 3.2 million EU-27 enterprises in 2005, which generated turnover of EUR 1 292 billion. There were 14.2 million persons employed in providing Business services, accounting for 11.2 % of the non-financial business economy total and 18.7 % of Services. Business services created value added of EUR 665.8 billion, equivalent to 12.4 % of the non-financial business economy and to 22.3 % of Services. Legal, accounting and management services was the largest subsector in Business services, making up 48 % of enterprises, 38 % of value added and 34 % of persons employed. This publication shows among other things the size, structure and evolution of the sector with some information on exports.

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Release date: 21 November 2008

Additional information

Product code: KS-SF-08-101
Theme: Industry, trade and services
Collection: Statistics in Focus