Publication Details

Back Farm structure in Malta - 2007 - Issue number 73/2008

This Statistics in Focus is part of a series of country-specific publications on the results of the Farm Structure Survey (FSS) 2007. It provides a brief but nevertheless comprehensive insight into the farm structure in Malta. 11 020 agricultural holdings were recorded in Malta in the 2007 Farm structure survey (55 less than in 2005). Only 38% of these holdings had an economic size of at least one European Size Unit (ESU), compared to about 74% in 2005. This big difference is due to a change in agricultural prices, which has reduced the total Standard Gross Margins (SGM) over recent years.

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Release date: 29 July 2008

Additional information

Product code: KS-SF-08-073
Theme: Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
Collection: Statistics in Focus