In the latest episode of the Eurostat podcast series Stats in a Wrap, we focus on new innovative tools to make official statistics, such as artificial intelligence (AI).

Our host Jonathan Elliot is this time joined by Albrecht Wirthmann, head of Eurostat’s unit responsible for methodology and innovation, Frankie Kay from the Central Statistics Office of Ireland, as well as Nikolaos Roubanis, the head of Eurostat’s transport unit.

In this episode, our guests discuss why innovation is so important in statistics. Speakers share how AI could transform statistical production, for example regarding data collection, help asking the right questions in polls, and accelerate statistics on maritime shipping. They also discuss the importance of data collected by AI being done the same way across the different EU countries.

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Stats in a Wrap aims to look at the world through the lens of statistics, picking the most delicious morsels and striking flavours to provide insights into the unexpected, quirky and downright peculiar perspectives that only numbers can reveal.

The opinions expressed in the podcasts reflect solely the point of view of the speakers and can in no way be taken to reflect the position of Eurostat, the European Commission, or the European Union.