Zurück Increase in high-speed internet coverage in 2021

22 August 2022

© bestfoto77/Shutterstock.com

In 2021, the European Commission set a 2030 target of achieving gigabit connectivity in all EU households and 5G coverage for all populated areas. Considerable progress has already been made in the rollout of fixed very high capacity network (VHCN) connections across the EU. 


In 2021, 70% of EU households enjoyed high-speed internet coverage, up from only 16% in 2013. 

VHCN connectivity also improved in low settled areas. Between 2013 and 2021, the share of households in low settled areas with fixed VCHN connection increased from 4% to 37% across the EU. Despite this progress, access levels differ significantly across EU Member States and also within many Member States with regard to population density.


Comprehensive high-speed internet coverage in Malta

In 2021, Malta recorded high-speed internet coverage for all households (100%), followed by Luxembourg (96%), Denmark (95%) and Spain (94%). In contrast, fixed high-speed internet connections were the least widespread in Greece (20%), Cyprus (41%) and Italy (44%). 

Barchart: High-speed internet coverage by type of area

Source dataset: sdg_17_60


In low settled areas, the most widespread coverage was reported in Malta (100%), followed by Luxembourg, Denmark and the Netherlands (all 79%). Meanwhile, the least widespread coverage in low settled areas was reported in Greece (0%), followed by Czechia (7%) and Finland (12%).


Would you like to learn more?  

Take a look at the Eurostat interactive visualisation tool which shows statistics relevant for the European Green Deal. It presents an overview of 26 indicators for the EU, the Member States and EFTA countries, divided into 3 main topics: Reducing our climate impact, protecting our planet & health and enabling a green & just transition.


For more information:


Methodological note:

  • VHCN connections: fibre connections or other networks offering similar bandwidth.  
  • Low settled areas: places with fewer than 100 people per km2.


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