Zurück Production and consumption of chemicals went up in 2020

30. November 2021

© Garsya/Shutterstock.com

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In 2020, a total of 284 million tonnes of chemicals were produced in the EU, an increase of 1% compared with 2019. In the same year, consumption of these products reached 302 million tonnes, reflecting a similar 1% increase since 2019 (300 million tonnes). Data show that the COVID-19 pandemic had no visible effect in 2020 on either production or consumption.

This information comes from data released by Eurostat today. The article presents a handful of findings from the more detailed Statistics Explained article on chemicals production and consumption.

Last year, 221.4 million tonnes of chemicals hazardous to health were produced (4% more than in 2019), along with another 78.8 million tonnes of chemicals hazardous to the environment (-5% less compared with 2019). Please note that some product categories might be overlapping, resulting on a sum higher than the total production mentioned at the beginning.

Infographic: Production of chemicals in the EU, 2004-2020

Source dataset: env_chmhaz

In terms of consumption, in 2020, the total of chemicals hazardous to health consumed reached 230.1 million tonnes, 4% more than in 2019, while consumption of chemicals hazardous to the environment decreased by 2% to 79.8 million tonnes.

Looking back, both production and consumption of these products increased between 2004 and 2007 and suffered a drop during the financial crisis in 2008 and 2009. A rebound period followed in 2010, but after that, it remained stable, indicating that the COVID-19 had no visible impact.

Infographic: Consumption of chemicals in the EU, 2004-2020

Source dataset: env_chmhaz

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