Zurück How much do governments spend on defence?

27 August 2021

© Dimj/Shutterstock.com

In 2019, the EU Member States’ general government expenditure on defence amounted to €168.5 billion, representing 2.6% of total general government expenditure. This is equivalent to 1.2% of GDP.

Since 2014, the share of defence expenditure in total government expenditure increased slightly, while the percentage of GDP remained stable at 1.2% of GDP.


Highest ratio of government expenditure on defence to GDP in Estonia, lowest in Ireland

In 2019, the ratio of general government expenditure on defence to GDP varied across EU Member States from 0.2% in Ireland and 0.4% in Luxembourg to 2.0% in Greece and 2.1% in Estonia.


Bar chart: General government expenditure on defence, as % of GDP, in 2019, EU/EFTA countries

Source dataset: gov_10a_exp


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