Zurück Compare your region with others using 'My region' app

14. Februar 2017

Are you interested in annual regional data for the EU-28, EFTA and the candidate countries and comparing it with your home region? Now it is easy to do – just download the free Eurostat mobile application 'My region' in German, English or French and get started.
To install the app, launch the Apple App store on your iPhone or the Google Play App store on your Android phone and follow the relevant steps.
You can select and compare up to 3 regions from around 300 regions. Among the 20 indicators available, you will find data on for example “Individuals with internet access on mobile devices” or “Youth employment rate” or “Fertility rate”. One of the screens display the selected region/s position among the other regions (see below).

Please feel free to contact us if you any feedback or recommendations for further improvements. Hope you enjoy the app!
• For contacts or feed-back, please contact the Eurostat internet team.
• For info: All Eurostat apps are available here: http://publications.europa.eu/en/applications